9/11 Idiots : Para-Annoyed
Excuse me, maybe I never got the memo, but when did paranoid conspiracy theories about the government's role in 9/11 become some kind of conventional wisdom among leftists?
These people remind me of the enormous and credibility-destroying gap between rhetoric and action we see in the forces arrayed against abortion. They claim that abortion is the same as murder, but the vast majority of them sure don't act like it. Wouldn't most of us take the law into our own hands and overthrow the government if we and millions of others really thought millions of innocent people were being routinely and legally slaughtered? And what about the disgusting and intricate bathroom activities and absurdly frequent funerals that conferring full legal and moral human status on very early term miscarriages would require but which are never carried out by even the shrillest pro-lifer? Surely this is all the evidence we need to prove that all anti-choicers who stand anywhere on the Planned Parenthood side of Eric Robert Rudolph implicitly admit that there is quite a bit of gray area here?
Which brings me back to the 9/11 conspiracy believers. Anone who honestly thinks that our government planned or blessed 9/11 needs to put down their various narcotics ingestion paraphernalia, quit their jobs (those that have jobs), and spend their full energy acting to uncover the truth and punish those involved.
Anyone who can sit on their ratty couch in a filthy dorm-room believing the movie "Loose Change" and do nothing more than rant inefectually about 9/11 as if our government's culpability is a foregone conclusion deserves to suffer the kind of tyranny they ignorantly believe rules over them.
So which is it, conspiracy idiots?
Either you don't really believe the conspiracy, in which case please, please just shut the hell up and return quietly to your xboxes, or you do, in which case let's see the largest demonstration in history on the Mall in Washington demanding the truth!
Oh, and one more thing. Bush and His Evil Omnipotent Masterminds stopped by, they left a message for you. It was something like "thanks for either not voting in 2000 or voting for Nader, you morons!"
“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you”
Kurt Cobain
No excuse me Mr. “I didn’t get the memo”. I did and it reads like the Neo Con Kuma Sutra on evil empire building by flying multiple planes into blue state constituents. Why weren’t the 9/11 targets like the Alaskan Oil pipeline or the Walt Disney studios?
One day you’ll realize that this Nazi wanna be Administration stops at nothing in their evangical crusade against non believers they brand “evil doers”. While Bush tries genocide “Texas Style” progressives have no choice but to inform the ignorant stupid American consumer that their oil whore addictions equal 5 marine deaths a day in Iraq and are the result of Carl Rove hiring 19 Saudi Arabian expendable/CIA agents to begin the ultimate Christian conspiracy of the rapture.
I think you’ve been in Vermont way to long, hanging with those red neck maple syrup slurping puritan fundi spewing bankers. Those selective few of the progressive left who didn’t sell their souls to the Howard Dean band wagon understand the true importance of 9/11 - the self destruction of the New York Times.
I have a job Mr. Corporate sell out, informing the American public of the benefits of hemp soap accessories at various renaissance festivals across this vast melty pot of the U.S.A, and understand full well the steps this Fascist Government will take to get re-elected. When the poll numbers with Soccer moms in Vermont dips below 40% don’t be surprised when Mission “Not Christian- Kill the Arab” kicks off a month before the primaries.
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