Friday, September 02, 2005

Making no mistake

Hard kernels of cliche meant to lend the appearance of strength and steadfastness spew forth from the powers that be on a regular basis. If you watch much news you'll recognize them instantly:

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We're not ruling anything in and we're not ruling anything out

But the greatest of these is "Make no mistake."

This seemed to preface every other statement from a military or administration official just after 9/11.

It's actually seductively fun to introduce statements in every day conversation with "make no mistake." Try it, but be careful not to get addicted.

"Make no mistake, this chicken is delicious! Make no mistake, I think it's about 8:30."

Maybe it's the Republican answer to the whimpiness of "sense." (see "Sensorrhea" below)

Well, now it's back in force, more hideous jetsam of Katrina's evil winds.

I guess I'm slow, because I've only just connected this chest-inflating introductory phrase to the semi-official position that this administration doesn't actually make mistakes.

I guess it's kind of a blessing, as in "we don't make any mistakes, so don't you start doing it either."

Will any mistakes be admitted to in the aftermath of this tragic, yet frequently predicted, mess? Accountability is fun.


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